Dianna and Jeff wanted a bohemian themed shoot for their two year engagement anniversary, and I was thrilled to capture them. This sweet couple, like many others, have had to put off their wedding plans due to the pandemic, which means they have had a longer engagement than they expected. I love the idea of celebrating engagement anniversaries and getting professional pictures done while there’s so much uncertainty around wedding planning. It is such a half-glass full way of looking at things. Friends, you don’t have to wait till your wedding for beautiful pictures. You deserve photographs of you and your loved ones regardless of what stage you are in life, whether that be single, engaged, or already married. It was a mild January day, but I’m so glad I brought a flannel blanket for Dianna and Jeff to cuddle up under for a few shots. The blue and green of the blanket worked so well against the warm glow of the sunset and tall brown grass. Bartram’s Garden in Philadelphia provided the perfect boho aesthetic for our shoot, and there was also ample space for their gorgeous and energetic Samoyed pup to run around. My photography friend and second photographer, Delaney joined me for this shoot and helped me with their dog Niko so he wouldn’t run off towards the other dogs he wanted to befriend. Delaney is going to help me on a few weddings later this year and I am so excited to have her on board the Hannah Snyder Photography team. I’m so grateful I was able to capture these sweet moments for Dianna and Jeff for their anniversary. I’m so grateful I get to do what I love and make people happy.